Half Term Activities at Lyme Park – 10th to 25th February
Mr. Truelove’s house trail Mr. Truelove, the head butler, needs your help to look after Lyme’s house. On this interactive…
Hannah Jones
Telephone: 07891 813268
Website: www.facebook.com/Loud-Proud-257225270392
Email: coachhannah@loudandproudcheer.com
Competitive and recreational cheerleading for girls and boys aged 3 – 15+ years, adult team 18+ (no age limit). Teams train at Marple High School, St Philip Howard Academy Glossop and around the High Peak.
Fantastic team sport, combining dance, gymnastics and stunts.
Sue Millington
Telephone: 0161 456 9257
Website: www.norburychurch.org.uk/children-and-youth/brownies
Girls aged 7-10
Meeting on Monday evenings from 6.05 to 7.30 at Norbury Parish Church
Website: www.3hg.org
We are a large group based in our own headquarters in Hazel Grove and have around 150 members, including people of all ages, genders, religions and abilities. We accept both girls and boys in all sections.
For further information and to contact us visit the website
Website: www.1hg.org
1st Hazel Grove Scout Group is based at the Methodist Church on Wesley Street in Hazel Grove. We have sections for boys and girls aged 6 to 25 years! We are a very active group, with adventure at the heart of all we do.
For further information and to contact us please visit our website
Telephone: 07811407779 / O161 483 3699
Website: www.hazelgrove-pri.stockport.sch.uk/facilities/hazelnuts.htm
Email: the.chill.zone@live.co.uk
At Hazelnuts Toddler Group there is a : Baby activity area, role play, crafts, singing, dancing, musical instruments, large play area with lots of toys. Meeting on Thursday mornings from 9.30-11.00 at Hazel Grove Primary School
Telephone: 0161 487 2390
Website: www.norburychurch.org.uk
Email: cath-65@hotmail.co.uk
A friendly and fun group, with a wide variety of age and stage related toys plus baby play area with cushions to aid sitting
and a quiet room for jigsaws, stories and craft or colouring. Craft or colouring is available each week and we also have singing time at the end of every session. It is not possible to just turn up, please ring first as there is a waiting list in place.
Website: 2ndhazelgrove.co.uk
Scouting for Girls & Boys aged 6-14 years
Beavers 6-8 yr old
Cubs 8-10 1/2 yr old
Scouts 10 1/2 – 14 yr old
Contact for our waiting list is on our website